Contribution Guide

We welcome all contributions that help improve this gallery of high-quality developer documentation. To contribute, please follow these simple steps:

  1. Fork the Repository: Head over to our GitHub repository and fork the project to your own GitHub account.
  2. Add Your Documentation: Create a new entry in the data/data.json file, including relevant information such as title, description, link, logo, and any other details.
  3. Add Your Documentation Tool: Create a new entry in the ToolsPageContext.tsx file, including relevant information such as title, description, link, logo, and any other details.
  4. Images CDN: Use Hashnode's free Image uploader to upload and grab a CDN link for your images.
  5. Submit a Pull Request: Once you've added your entry, submit a pull request for review. Our team will review your submission and merge it if it meets the quality standards.
  6. Stay Updated: Keep an eye on your pull request for any comments or suggestions from the maintainers.

Thank you for helping us build a comprehensive and high-quality collection of developer documentation!